Child's Education Fund

It’s essential to start planning for your child’s education fund as early as possible because the cost of education in India is on the rise, As a parent, you want the best for your child. This includes providing them with a quality education that can set them up for success in life.

So, how much should you save for your child’s education fund in India? The answer to this question depends on various factors, such as the type of education you want your child to have, the cost of education in your city, and the duration of the course.

Child's Education Fund

Here are some tips to help you determine how much you should save for your child’s education fund in India:

  1. Determine the cost of education:

The first step in planning for your child’s education fund is to determine the cost of education. Research the cost of various courses and institutions in your city to get an idea of how much you need to save.

  1. Decide on the type of education:

The type of education you want your child to have will also impact the amount you need to save. For example, if you want your child to attend a private school or study abroad, you’ll need to save more money.

  1. Factor in inflation:

Education costs in India are rising at a significant rate, and it’s essential to factor in inflation while planning for your child’s education fund. Assume a 6-7% inflation rate when estimating the future cost of education.

  1. Start early:

The earlier you start saving for your child’s education fund, the easier it will be to achieve your financial goals. Start investing in long-term investment options such as mutual funds or fixed deposits as soon as possible.

  1. Use online calculators:

Many online calculators are available that can help you estimate the amount you need to save for your child’s education fund. Use these calculators to get a rough idea of how much you need to save.

Based on the above factors, you can arrive at an estimated figure of how much you need to save for your child’s education fund. Remember, saving more than less is always better, so you have a cushion to fall back on in case of unforeseen circumstances.

In conclusion, planning for your child’s education fund in India requires careful consideration and strategic planning. The earlier you start saving, the better, and you must factor in inflation to ensure that you have enough to cover future education costs.

If you’re looking for a simple and effective way to plan your kid’s education and other financial goals, consider using Simple Path. Simple Path is an all-in-one platform that simplifies financial planning and investment for Indian families.

With its intuitive interface and personalized financial advice, Simple Path can help you achieve your financial goals without the hassle of managing multiple investments. Try Simple Path today and take the first step towards securing your child’s future.


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About the Author: Donald Gonsalves

Founder of SimplePath™ and a regular contributor to the website's blog, Donald brings with him more than a decade of experience working as a consultant for financial planning and insurance. Send your questions to